Red Cedar Conservation Farmers (RCCF)
RCCF formed in 2019 in response to concerns about phosphorous loads in Lakes Tainter and Menomin and the pressure put on farmers to reduce phosphorous runoff. This group quickly added goals to reduce nitrogen loss as well. The RCCF watershed area includes Hay, Popple, Trout, and Bronken Creeks, which flow into the Red Cedar River. This area includes a portion of Chippewa County but is primarily in Dunn County. This group reserves some of the DATCP Producer-led Grant funds to conduct drinking water well sampling and surface water sampling within the watershed that is collected by LWCD staff. Other funds from the grant are used for educational events on soil health, and nutrient management. Funds are also used to incentivize targeted practices such as soil sampling, no till, cover crops, planting green (planting into living cover crops), low disturbance manure injection, and soil/stalk nitrate testing. This group also encourages demonstration plots to try new things, like roller crimping rye, and further investigate nitrogen use efficiency (NUE).
- For General information on NUE in Wisconsin see UW Discovery Farms publication.
- RCCF Trifold Brochure