Dunn County Treatment Opportunity Program (TOP)

The purpose of the Dunn County Treatment Opportunity Program (TOP) is to divert non-violent offenders who have been charged with or convicted of a crime related to the person's use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs from the criminal justice system by offering a diversion program option that provides case-managed treatment alternatives to prosecution and incarceration.

What is TOP?

The Dunn County Treatment Opportunity Program (TOP) is a 6 to 9 month voluntary pretrial program option that provides case management, treatment, and drug testing for non-violent offenders with drug and/or alcohol related offenses. TOP is an alternative to prosecution and incarceration which offers participants the opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction, fines, fees, and incarceration by holding them accountable to treatment and other needs to reduce their risk of reoffending.


What are the benefits of the program?

Individuals are given the opportunity to address their alcohol and/or drug abuse (AODA) and mental health (MH) needs.  Upon successful completion of TOP through a deferred prosecution agreement entered in court, charges are dismissed or reduced. 

Department of Corrections (DOC) Division of Community Corrections may also refer offenders who are on probation to the Dunn County TOP as an alternative to revocation (ATR) or as an evidence-based response to violations (EBRV). 


What are the eligibility requirements of TOP?

     1. 17 years of age or older

     2. Pending criminal charge or facing probation ATR

     3. Dunn County resident or ability to participate in programming

     4. Complete assessments - show need for services 

     5. Willing to comply with requirements 


Interested in joining TOP?

A program referral form must be sent to the TOP Coordinator to determine eligibility. Referrals are accepted from any source, including self-referral. The District Attorney’s Office and Defense Attorney will be notified if an individual is eligible for TOP.  A formal offer for TOP can then be made by the District Attorney’s Office or through DOC Community Corrections as an ATR/EBRV.


For more information, contact Treatment Opportunity Program Coordinator Jenae Brantner.

Email: jbrantner@co.dunn.wi.us

Phone: 715-231-6688