The Department of Administration is the administrative hub of the county. Under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, the County Manager exercises general supervision over all county institutions and agencies. The office coordinates the various activities and unifies the management of the county.
Administrative Activities Include:
Providing for the execution of all ordinances, policies, resolutions or laws of the State required to be enforced by the County Board; Preparing agendas and attending all meetings of the County Board; Recommending policy measures for consideration by the County Board; Receiving complaints concerning county operations; Being responsible for the storage and retention of county records; Handling all public relations affairs of the County and the County Board; serving as the Boards representative in communications with other units of government; Making recommendations with regard to the appointments of the Board or Chair.
Human Resources Activities Include:
Developing personnel policies and procedures; Maintaining County human resource records; Recruiting, selecting, and hiring qualified staff to assist in the performance of duties approved by the County Board; appointing, suspending or removing all county personnel subject to the control of the County Board; Serving as affirmative action officer for the County; Auditing time and attendance and payroll functions; Participating in labor negotiations and on going relations and coordinating employee performance appraisal activities. Payroll and benefit issues are managed in this section.
Risk Management Activities Include:
Managing the health and dental benefits programs for employees; procuring protection from loss of all county equipment and property; managing the county’s various self insurance programs; evaluating risk and implementing appropriate controls such as commercial insurance or internal safety programs.
Financial Management Activities Include:
Preparing and submitting to the County Board a proposed annual budget and a long-range capital improvements plan; Prepare regular reports appraising the Board or its committees of the financial condition of the County; Develop financial plans and recommend methods of financing to meet the future needs of the County; Establishing departmental parameters for purchasing or approving of all county purchases.
Property Management and Purchasing Activities Include:
Acting as manager of all county properties subject to the authority of the County Board; Directing the preparation of long range plans for the management of County property; and Coordinating with the appropriate committee the preparation of architectural plans; Allocate space to County departments and agencies.