Land & Water Conservation
To sustainably use, enhance, and preserve the natural resources of Dunn County
Who We Are
The Land and Water Conservation Division is a part of the Environmental Services Department, which works with people in an honest, respectful, and accountable manner to manage the land and water resources of Dunn County.
Services Provided
- Administration of and Technical Assistance for Dunn County’s Land and Water Resource Management Plan/Cost Sharing on Qualifying Conservation Practices
- Conservation Planning for Agriculture
- Nutrient Management Planning
- Design and Installation of Best Management Practices for the Conservation of Soil and Water
- Provide Assistance with County, State, and Federal Programs (LWRM Plan Implementation, Farmland Preservation Program, Conservation Aids Program, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, Snowmobile Trail Aids Program)
- Provide Assistance with Regulations (Chapter 92, NR 151, Storm Water Runoff Management, Construction Site Erosion Control, ATCP 50)
- Provide Assistance with Ordinances (Ag Performance Standards & Manure Storage and Management Ordinance, Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance)
- Equipment Rental for Dunn County Residents and Landowners (No-Till Drill, Tree Planters, Tree Planting Bars, Straw Mulcher, Soil Probes, Weed Wrench)
- Information/Education (Land Judging Contest, Conservation & Environmental Awareness Speaking & Poster Contests, Soil & Water Stewardship)
Helpful Information
- 2023 ARPA Groundwater Sampling Report
- Ag-Related Contractors & Service Providers
- Wisconsin Manure Runoff Risk Advisory
- Dunn County Land and Water Conservation Division 2022 Annual Report
- Land & Water Resource Management Plan (2017-2026)
- Conservation Assistance Program Brochure
- Red Cedar Basin Phosphorus Reduction Plan
- Red Cedar Demonstration Farm
- Tainter Lake Nutrient & Sediment Reduction Project