

 Dunn County’s nursing home improves fiscal picture

A change in Medicaid reimbursement rates by the state of Wisconsin has significantly improved the financial picture for The Neighbors of Dunn County, the county-operated nursing home in Menomonie. 

Administrator Carmen Meyer told the County Board of Supervisors recently that the facility would have an operating budget surplus of $1.2 million for 2024, after two years of budget shortfalls. 

Additionally, Meyer said, “the next five years are all projected to be in the black.” 

County Board Chair Kelly McCullough said supervisors know how important The Neighbors of Dunn County is for their constituents, and the improved fiscal picture is outstanding news. 

We know that government-owned and operated nursing homes consistently get better ratings for care than for-profit facilities,” McCullough said, “and the fact that we can provide a better standard of care for our aging population with little to no tax impact shows the value of public services run by public entities. 

The Neighbors is an absolute gem and will help many of our older citizens stay close to home when they need a skilled nursing facility.” McCullough said. 

The good news about The Neighbors of Dunn County’s finances comes as an increasing number of publicly owned nursing homes and similar facilities are either being sold to for-profit companies or are closing.  In Wisconsin, just 14 percent of nursing homes are publicly owned, with for-profits owning 54 percent and non-profits owning 32 percent. 

Since 2016, Meyer told the County Board, 66 nursing homes have closed in Wisconsin, and 12 nursing homes within 50 miles of Dunn County have closed since 2016.  These include Dallas Care and Rehab in 2018 and Colfax Health and Rehab in 2023, and three in the Eau Claire area.   

Additionally, the number of licensed nursing home beds decreased from 28,719 in March 2020 to 25,891 in October 2022. 

Meyer said The Neighbors of Dunn County traditionally has operated in the black, if depreciation was not included.  But a change in Wisconsin’s Medicaid reimbursement rate in the last two years means that The Neighbors of Dunn County is expected to have a surplus in coming years, even accounting for depreciation. 

For many years, Meyer said, the state of Wisconsin “had one of the worst Medicaid reimbursement rates in the country.” But that changed in the 2023-25 state budget, she said. 

In 2022, the state Department of Health Services announced that in the 2023 fiscal year, Medicaid would cover an average of 91 percent of the cost of care provided in nursing homes, up from 77 percent in 2022. Gov. Tony Evers’ pandemic relief plan set aside $258 million to increase Medicaid reimbursements. Unlike previous increases, it guarantees minimum payments to providers. 

Another aspect of the change means facilities can get more assistance as their costs increase, Meyer said, adding, “the reimbursement should keep increasing as costs increase.” 

The nursing home will be even more important in the future as the Dunn County population continues to age, Meyer told the County Board.  In 2010, residents 65 and older made up 12 percent of the county’s population, and that is projected to increase to 26 percent by 2040. 

The Neighbors of Dunn County actually is comprised of three separately licensed skilled nursing facilities.  It has a total of 137 beds. In the last year, 246 residents lived at various times at the facility. 


 Dunn County adopts core values for entire organization

Dunn County adopts core values for entire organization 
The Dunn County Board of Supervisors has adopted a set of core values for employees and elected officials to follow. 
“Core values are the bedrock of an organization’s identity,” said Kris Korpela, Dunn County Manager. “They serve as a compass to guide decision making, actions, and behavior across all levels of county government.” 
The values, adopted in November, "shall be embraced and upheld by all members of the organization,” according to the resolution. The core values are: 
Dedication: Unwavering commitment to those we serve. 
Professionalism: Upholding competence, courtesy, and respect in all interactions and responsibilities. 
Ethics: Consistently acting with honesty and integrity. 
Betterment: Making things progressively better, more effective or improved. 
Collaboration: Working together to achieve a shared goal. 
Korpela said the values were developed by the Dunn County Employee Relations Workgroup over the past six months and were “validated by all county staff through inclusion in the employee satisfaction survey conducted earlier this year.” 
The values also were reviewed and approved by the Committee on Administration and the Executive Committee, as well as the full County Board. 
The values, Korpela said, “provide a common language and understanding of what Dunn County stands for. They build trust with the public by demonstrating a commitment to ethical behavior. Values-driven organizations tend to have higher employee morale and engagement.   
Korpela also said it is important that the supervisors approved setting up a mechanism to monitor how the values were being followed so they remain relevant and are upheld consistently. 

 Dunn County budget: Cuts tax rate, OKs geothermal and solar to reduce energy costs

The 2025 Dunn County budget reduces the tax rate and includes borrowing to install a geothermal and solar energy project for the Judicial Center and Central Campus area. 

“This budget is fiscally responsible and still makes a significant improvement in our energy infrastructure,” said Kris Korpela, Dunn County Manager.  “The taxpayers will benefit for years to come from the energy-saving projects supervisors have approved.” 

The Dunn County Board of Supervisors on Nov. 12 approved the 2025 county budget that continues the recent trend of reducing the property tax rate for the next year.   The 2025 tax rate will go from $4.83 for each $1,000 of equalized value to $4.53, a reduction of 6.2 percent. The 2024 budget reduced the tax rate by 14 percent as well The tax rate was $7.10 in 2020. 

Even though the 2025 tax rate may be less than 2024, that doesn’t necessarily mean a property’s tax bill will go down; changes in a property’s assessment and the impact of other taxing entities such as school districts, cities, villages, etc., also affect the final tax bill. 

The budget includes $11 million in borrowing for a geothermal and solar project for some Dunn County buildings.  The project will install a geothermal heat pump system for the Judicial Center, 615 Stokke Parkway in Menomonie, as well as adding to the current geothermal system serving the Government Center and Neighbors of Dunn County.  The project will add a solar system on the central campus property on Stokke Parkway that will be used to power all three campus buildings.   

"The current boiler and air conditioning system at the Judicial Center are outdated and inefficient,” said Dan Dunbar, Assistant County Manager, adding that a consulting firm was utilized in January to survey all county buildings for their energy efficiency ratings and proposed the geothermal and solar project. 

“While the county is more energy efficient than other counties our size,” Dunbar said, “the study showed we can save money by producing our own energy.” 

Combined with the heat pump system, Dunbar said, geothermal wells will provide for heating and cooling at the Judicial Center. 

The solar installation will provide electricity for the Judicial Center, Government Center and the Neighbors of Dunn County.  The final location of the solar panels has not been determined, Dunbar added. 

The estimated cost of the combined project is $11 million, with the county in line for $3.4 million in rebates and incentives. 

“The estimated 25-year savings for county taxpayers is nearly $20 million,” Dunbar said.  “We think that is a good investmentAll the money to pay for this debt will come from money previously allocated to pay electric and gas bills for our facilities.” 

The budget calls for total county spending of $111.2 million.  The tax levy – the total amount of property taxes the county will levy in 2025 – will increase less than 1 percent to $24.78 million. The levy is made up of a portion for libraries and bridges, $925,674; debt obligations, $5.17 million; and operations, $18.69 million. 

The County Board approved $3 million of borrowing for highway projects and used about $2.5 million from the fund balance to create a balanced budget. 

  Community Invited to Help Shape Health Plan for Dunn County

Community members are invited to attend a meeting in early December to discuss the results of the 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment and help plan next steps.
KT Gallagher, Director of the Dunn County Health Department, explained, "Every three years, we work with our partners to survey the community and find out what the biggest health issues are that need attention.
This year's results highlighted the following health priorities for Dunn County residents: access to childcare, water pollution and environmental concerns, access to healthcare, alcohol misuse, and access to safe and affordable housing. The full report can be found at:
To address these issues, the Health Department and Health Dunn Right, a community health coalition, will hold a kick-off meeting on from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, at the Rassbach Museum, 1820 John Russell Road, Menomonie. The meeting will discuss the report and plans for future action. To attend and get a free boxed lunch, please register by November 27 by filling out this online form.
Gallagher said the Health Department encourages everyone in Dunn County who cares about these issues to come to share their ideas.
"We need the community's help to come up with solutions that make sense for Dunn County," Gallagher said. "Your life experience may be exactly what we need to help solve these issues."
Guest speakers at the event include Steven McCarthy, Executive Director of the United Way St. Croix and Red Cedar Valleys, and Dr. Corrie Norrbom from the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service. Speakers will discuss the survey results, next steps, and how the community can work together to take action.
There will also be small discussion groups at the meeting to talk about the different health priorities, where participants can help set goals for action.

 Dunn County budget cuts tax rate again

Dunn County budget cuts tax rate again 

Taxpayers are invited to speak at a public hearing that the Dunn County Board of Supervisors has scheduled for Nov. 12 on the proposed 2025 county budget that continues the recent trend of reducing the property tax rate for the next year. 

The County Board will hold a public hearing on the budget at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12 in room 054 of the Dunn County Government Center at 3001 Highway 12 East in Menomonie.   The board is expected to act following the public hearing. 


The proposed 2025 tax (mill) rate would go from $4.83 for each $1,000 of equalized value to $4.53, a reduction of 6.2 percent.  The 2024 budget reduced the tax rate by 14 percent as well The tax rate was $7.10 in 2020, and the County Board has taken numerous steps to avoid increases, said County Manager Kris Korpela. 


“The board is working hard to keep property taxes affordable in Dunn County,” Korpela said “Supervisors already have taken several actions to hold the line on spending and taxes in the 2025 budget.” 


For example, she said, the Executive Committee reduced the estimated shortfall between spending and revenue by about $1.5 million, decreasing the cost of operations by $1.1 million. 


Even though the 2025 tax rate may be less than 2024, that doesn’t necessarily mean a property’s tax bill will go down; changes in a property’s assessment also affects the final tax bill. 


The budget calls for total county spending of $111.2 million.  The tax levy – the total amount of property taxes the county will levy in 2025 – would increase less than 1 percent to $24.78 million under the proposed 2025 budget. The levy is made up of the portion for libraries and bridges, $925,674; debt obligations, $5.17 million; and operations, $18.69 million. 


The budget calls for $3 million of borrowing for highway projects and uses about $2.5 million from the fund balance to create a balanced budget. 

 Dunn County Supervisors support expanded Medicaid, crisis support

Dunn County Supervisors support expanded Medicaid, crisis support
The Dunn County Board of Supervisors has passed two resolutions asking the state to provide additional resources for residents who are not getting the medical care or mental health and crisis services they need. 

One resolution calls on the state of Wisconsin to tap into the federal Affordable Care Act to expand Medicaid coverage in the state. The board, at its October meeting, also supported increased state funding for medical assistance and Community Support Programs. 

“The board recognized that we have many residents who are not getting the medical care or mental health and crisis services that they need,” said Paula Winter, Director of Human Services for Dunn County “The board is asking the state to provide adequate resources so our constituents can obtain these essential services.” 

Under the Affordable Care Act, states can expand the number of people covered under Medicaid in exchange for increased federal matching funds, but, as the resolution stated, “historically the State of Wisconsin has declined Medicaid expansion funds.” 

If Medicaid were expanded in Wisconsin, the resolution said, more than 700 additional county residents would qualify for Medicaid; statewide, some 90,000 additional individuals would qualify for Medicaid if the state participated in the expanded federal program.  Health care officials have indicated that providing unreimbursed care for those who fall short of qualifying for Medicaid drives up costs for everyone and could factor in the closing of health care facilities. 

Studies have shown that participating in Medicaid expansion programs “reduced disease-related mortality among older adults” and encourages better participation in preventative care and compliance with medication, the resolution added. 

The resolution asks the Wisconsin Counties Association to support the expansion of Medicaid as the state develops its 2025-27 state budget. 

The board also requested that Wisconsin increase funding in the 2025-27 state budget to provide expanded Medical Assistance for Community Support Programming and Crisis Intervention services. 

Counties are required to provide crisis intervention services, including emergency mental health services for persons in crisis situations. Community Support Programs offer community-based care for adults whose mental illness and functional limitations might otherwise require them to be institutionalized. Officials also said the expansion of Medical Assistance could save property tax dollars and allow more people to receive treatment. 

The closure of the HSHS hospitals in Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls, as well as the Prevea Clinics, has affected the ability of county residents to access mental health services, the resolution said, and counties must bear a disproportionate share of the costs of both the Community Support Programming and Crisis Intervention services.  State-imposed levy limits make it difficult for counties to maintain these mandated services, the resolution said. 

The resolution concluded: “the Dunn County Board of Supervisors does hereby request that the state of Wisconsin, in its 2025-27 state biennial budget, provide state GPR funding to cover the full non-federal share of MA CSP and Crisis services.” 

Road with caption - Dunn County Looking to Improve More Highway Miles in 2025

 Dunn County Looking to Improve More Highway Miles in 2025

Dunn County officials are hoping to increase the number of county highway miles that are repaired by about a third in 2025 to bring down the average age of all county roads.  
“Historically, we have done approximately 10 miles of roadways each year,” said Dustin Binder, county Highway Commissioner.  “We want to increase that to 18 miles in 2025.” 
The reason for proposing the increase, Binder said, is “we want to try to get all roads within the projected lifespan of a road,” which is 20 to 25 years. 
Currently, the average age of a county highway is 34.6 years. If the County Board of Supervisors approves Binder’s budget request for 2025, the average age would be reduced to just under 23 years. 
The county worked on 8.18 miles in 2021; 10.68 miles in 2022; 13.49 miles in 2023; and 12.28 miles in 2024. The budget proposes 18.48 miles of road work in 2025. 
“Our road conditions are quite behind and need improvements,” Binder said of the need to expand the miles of road projects, adding that the county has about 425 miles of roads. 
The 2025 Highway Department budget calls for spending nearly $9 million on county highways, with $6.6 million coming from the county and the rest from the state Department of Transportation. 
Binder and other county officials are trying to educate taxpayers about the costs involved in county road and bridge construction.  According to a recent presentation Binder gave to the County Board, it costs approximately $150,000 to resurface a mile of roadway, while pavement replacement costs $250,000-$300,000 a mile.  Reconditioning costs $400,000 to $500,000 a mile, and total reconstruction costs $1 million or more a mile.
The lifespan for resurfaced road is eight to 10 years; pavement replacing, 20 years; reconditioning, 20 to 25 years; and reconstruction, 20 to 25 years. 
“We are trying to get more information out to the public about what we do and how much it costs,” Binder said.  “We need the public to understand where their tax dollars go for highway projects.” 
The highest profile projects planned for 2025 are a reconstruction project on Highway D from 420th St. to Highway K in Irvington, and a reconstruction project on Highway D from Highway 25 to 816th Avenue in Tainter.   
The projects include making safety improvements, storm sewer, and adding curb and gutter. The total cost of both projects is about $4.2 million, with the county paying $1.8 million. 
Other projects being planned include Highway G from BB to D; Highway J from the Menomonie city limits to 410th Avenue; Highway C from Z to D; Highway S from N to Highway 170; Highway BB from Highway 25 to 12; and Highway G from D to 25. Three bridge projects also are planned.  
Concerning 2024 projects, Binder said work on the major Highway B project overall has gone well, is nearing total completion and is anticipated to come in under budget.  The Highway B project was two separate projects: from state Highway 12/29 to I-94 and from I-94 to Packer Drive. The estimated cost of the combined project was more than $10 million, with state and federal funds picking up the bulk of the expenses.     
“The overall project costs were less than what we anticipated, which is good news for budgetary purposes,” Binder said.  
The County Board will vote on the 2025 county budget, including the Highway Department, Nov. 12.